Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Arrives at Gravely Nature Preserve

In late 2008, area Girl Scouts, the Martinsville-Henry County Master Gardeners, and the staff of Prillaman Landscape Dimensions assisted DRBA in the planting of trees alongside the parking lot at the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. This project was made possible by generous donations from Anne Carter Lee Gravely and C.D. Prillaman.

The trees are doing well and growing. The Yoshimo Cherry trees are sporting bright green leaves, and the Redbuds are starting to bloom with their trademark purple flowers. These trees are going to benefit the preserve by adding creating oxygen to breathe, making shade in the parking lot, and reducing noise from the road.

Cool Fact: Did you know that the flowers of Redbuds look like tiny hummingbirds? If you you haven't noticed that before- check it out!

Photo by Jennifer Doss

1 comment:

Lynn Pritchett said...

Here's another cool fact...redbud flowers and seed pods are edible! I don't much care for the way they taste, however.