- April 20, 2008 from 1-3 pm: Eggleston Falls Block Party- A gathering for residents of the Eggleston Falls Community in Ridgeway, Virginia to celebrate the upcoming grand opening of the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Bring a covered dish to share and a drink (no alcohol please). A short presentation on the Nature Preserve will be given, along with a walking tour of the property. For more information or to RSVP, please call (276) 634-2545.
- April 26, 2008 @ 10 am: Photography Workshop- Is your camera at home collecting dust because you don't know how to use it properly? The Henry County Pro-Am Photography Club will be hosting a nature photography workshop at the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Bring your camera to this free workshop to learn tips from the club's members on taking nature photographs. Guided hikes through the preserve will also be offered to point out native wildflowers along the trails. For more information please contact club president, Randy Sweatt at (276) 647-7135, or email - rsweatt@embarqmail.com.
- April 26th @ 2 pm: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony- Join us to celebrate the grand opening of the new Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Light refreshments will be served, followed by a walking tour of the property. For more information please contact Jennifer Doss at (276) 634-2545 or email jdoss@danriver.org.
- May 3rd @ 10 am: DRBA Outing- Smith River Paddle at Doe Run- More details TBA.
May 24th @ 2pm: Life on the Burgess Plantation- Guest speaker John Burgess 7th, great-grandson of plantation owner John Henry Burgess, will talk about the history of the Burgess Plantation and the people who lived there. A question and answer session and guided walk will follow the presentation. For more information please contact Jennifer Doss at 276-634-2545 or email jdoss@danriver.org.
- June 1st @ 2 pm: National Trail Day- Join us to celebrate National Trail day as we open a new half-mile walking trail at the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. More details TBA.
- June 3rd @ 8 am: Tuesday Morning Stroll- Join us for an easy-paced walking tour of Gravely Nature Preserve. While on the 1.5 mile walk, you’ll learn the history of the Burgess Family Plantation that once stood on this land and see many beautiful plants along the way. The walk will last one hour, please wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water. For more information please contact Jennifer Doss, DRBA Rivers & Trails Project Manager, at 276-634-2545 or e-mail jdoss@danriver.org.
- June 7th @ 10 am: DRBA Outing- Dan River Float- More details TBA
- June 11th: Project Learning Tree Educators Workshop- A free interactive workshop for teachers, home school parents, scout and youth leaders. Learn exciting new ways to teach environmental education concepts to your students and youth! Sponsored by the Virginia Department of Forestry. 8 am- 2 pm; pre-registration is required. Location: Gravely Nature Preserve (In the event of rain this event will be held at Magna Vista.) To register, contact Jennifer Doss at 276-634-2545 or e-mail jdoss@danriver.org.
- June 14th @ 8:30 am: Dan River Poker Paddle Run- This 4th Annual Benefit Fundraiser for Hospice of Stokes County is a 6.2 mile river trip on the scenic DanRiver through Haning Rock State Park (about 3 hours). Sign in starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Dan River Company, 1110 Flinchum Road, Danbury, NC. First shuttle is at 9 a.m.; last shuttle is at 1:30 p.m. Lunch will be served from noon until 5 p.m. For registration and shuttle call 336.593.2628
- June 23-26: "Wet & Wild" Virginia Museum of Natural History Summer Day Camp- Camp for youth ages 12-17 will be held at VMNH and include a day trip to The Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Pre registration is required. Contact Robin Jensen, Youth Education Coordinator, at 276-634-4188 or e-mail robin.jensen@vmnh.virginia.gov
- June 28th @ 9 am: Geo-Caching Day- Come learn the sport of geo-caching! This is an fun adventure game for GPS (Global Positioning System) users. Join us for an exciting cache hunt- it’s a great way to become more familiar with your GPS unit and with interesting “hidden” locations in this new nature preserve. This will be a multi-cache hunt, meaning that you will answer clues in order to complete it (like a scavenger hunt). Teams will be formed before we begin. Come alone, with a friend, or as a family. No experience necessary. Register by calling: 276-634-4185, and indicate whether you will be bringing your own GPS unit or need to borrow one. Sponsored by the Virginia Museum of Natural History.
- July 1st @ 8 am: Tuesday Morning Stroll- Join us for an easy-paced walking tour of Gravely Nature Preserve. While on the 1.5 mile walk, you’ll learn the history of the Burgess Family Plantation that once stood on this land and see many beautiful plants along the way. The walk will last one hour, please wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water. For more information please contact Jennifer Doss, DRBA Rivers & Trails Project Manager, at 276-634-2545 or e-mail jdoss@danriver.org.
- July 14-17: "Forest Explorers" Virginia Museum of Natural History Summer Day Camp- Camp for youth ages 12-17 will be held at VMNH and include a day trip to The Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Pre registration is required. Contact Robin Jensen, Youth Education Coordinator, at 276-634-4188 or e-mail robin.jensen@vmnh.virginia.gov
- August 4-7: "Eco-Adventure" Virginia Museum of Natural History Summer Day Camp- Camp for youth ages 12-17 will be held at VMNH and include a day trip to The Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve. Pre registration is required. Contact Robin Jensen, Youth Education Coordinator, at 276-634-4188 or e-mail robin.jensen@vmnh.virginia.gov
- August 5th @ 8 am: Tuesday Morning Stroll- Join us for an easy-paced walking tour of Gravely Nature Preserve. While on the 1.5 mile walk, you’ll learn the history of the Burgess Family Plantation that once stood on this land and see many beautiful plants along the way. The walk will last one hour, please wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water. For more information please contact Jennifer Doss, DRBA Rivers & Trails Project Manager, at 276-634-2545 or e-mail jdoss@danriver.org.
Doe Run Park & River Access- From Hwy 220 S. Business in Martinsville, Virginia turn left onto Dupont Road (Next to the Martinsville-Dupont Credit Union). The park will be on your right and the river access on your left.
Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve- From Hwy 220 in Ridgeway, Virginia turn onto Old Sand Road (next to Wendy's), turn left onto Eggleston Falls Road. After crossing Marrowbone Creek, the property will be up the hill and to your left.