Trail Building
Friends of Philpott & other volunteers from the HCBC, SWVA & Franklin Freewheelers. The Public is welcome to help too!
Saturday, October 11, for Trail Building at Jamison Mills.
We will be meeting at Jamison Mill at 9:00 a.m.
Work will entail corridor clearing like blowing leaves, cutting saplings with the Corps' chainsaw, moving fallen trees to make way for the Ditch Witch and then hand finish work.
As far as what to bring: Work boots, gloves, long pants, and hopefully helmet or hard hat (if you have one), extra loppers, leaf blower and rakes would be helpful, too.
There have been a number of people helping to continue the fantastic work already started and we hope you can join us.
If I hear in advance that we will have a large group there working, I will bring and cook hot dogs and provide drinks; otherwise, please bring your own water and snacks.
Please get with Jim Frith at jim.frith@comcast.net, Linda Drage at ldrage@comcast.net or Mary Lawson at Mary.C.Lawson@saw02.usace.army.mil with any questions.
Photo and article submitted by: Linda Drage
Edited by: Vicky Thomas
Edited by: Vicky Thomas