Throughout our community, local government, the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), Activate, Friends of Philpott, and other groups are working together to create trails and bike lanes that will provide connectivity and enhance the quality of life here. With the future completion of 20 miles of trail around Philpott Lake and 45 miles of trail along the Smith River, we are on the way to creating a recreational destination!
Having long trail systems allows places for residents to walk near their homes, allows for alternative forms of transportation such as biking or walking to work, and creates opportunities for events such as bike touring, adventure racing, and charity walks/rides.
Three DRBA members recently experienced a taste of bike touring as they embarked on a 320 mile journey that took them from Washington DC to Pittsburgh. Along the way they camped in campgrounds, visited tourist attractions, and supported businesses.
Read their adventure, and image the possibilities here!
September 20-27th, three DRBA members, Ellen Jessee, Emma Parcel, and Mignon Smith joined Adventure Cycling to bike 320 miles on the C&O Canal Towpath Trail and the Great Allegheny Passage Rail Trail.

Enjoyed rivers and peaceful wooded trails, til it was time to load our bikes on the Budget Truck and ourselves on the bus for the return trip to DC.
Introduction by Jennifer Doss
Photos by Emma Parcel
Captions by Ellen Jessee
Captions by Ellen Jessee