Today area Girl Scouts and guests spent an afternoon giving back to nature by planting trees and bushes at the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve in Ridgeway. The Community Tree Planting Day, coordinated by The Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), was made possible by generous donations from Anne Carter Gravely of Rocky Mount and Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc. of Ridgeway.
Before planting, the scouts from Troupes 761 and 464 watched Mr. C.D. Prillaman, Vice President of Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc., demonstrate the use of a Toro Dingo machine that digs large holes for trees.
After being given instructions on how to plant the trees, the scouts worked with their parents and volunteers from DRBA and the Martinsville-Henry County Master Gardeners to plant fifteen trees and seven rose bushes in memory of the late Richard P. Gravely, Jr.
Frank Frazier and Aileen Bourne of the Master Gardeners spoke to the scouts about the types of trees and shrubs being planted and what they will look like as the trees mature. Mrs. Bourne enjoyed spending time with the scouts and was “very impressed with their ability to listen and follow directions” as they learned how to properly plant the trees. According to Junior Girl Scout Courtland Hudgins of Axton, “planting trees was lots of fun!”
The trees supplied by Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc. included Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis), and Pink Knockout Rose Bushes (Rosa 'Radcon').
Many hands working together made for light work and after the planting was complete the scouts enjoyed games about the life cycle of trees led by DRBA staff members Jennifer Doss and Brian Williams.
The Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve is located at 2525 Eggleston Falls Road in Ridgeway. The 75-acre preserve, funded in part by the Harvest Foundation of the Piedmont, is operated by Henry County Parks & Recreation and the Dan River Basin Association. It contains two miles of walking trails and is open year round for the public to enjoy.
Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc. is located in Ridgeway, Va and can be reached at (276) 956-2113 or pldinc@embarqmail.com.
Article by Jennifer Doss
Photos by Martha Smith
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