Thursday, December 10, 2009

Walk for Fitness, Walk for Fun, Walk with Friends!

TMS Participants take a walk around Liberty Fair Mall

Have you walked for fitness today? There are many miles of walking paths and places to walk located around Martisnville & Henry County that are free for you to enjoy. 

If you want to get out and enjoy the trails with others, consider joining a walking group like DRBA's Tuesday Morning Strolls. These walks are an excelent way for individuals to socialize, get fit and learn more about the community all at the same time.

In December, the group met indoors at Liberty Fair Mall to walk five laps around the shopping center. While on the walk, led by Jennifer Doss & Regenia Manns, the participants learned about National Poinsettia Day which is celebrated on December 12th. Linda Crabtree won a prize for knowing the answer to the day's trivia question. Do you know what country the Poinsettia came from? It's Mexico!

At the end of the walk everyone who had participated in four or more walks for the second half of 2009 was entered into a drawing. Bill Crabtree, who had attended almost every walk this year, won the prize pack consisting of a Dick & Willie Passage T-shirt, a DRBA notepad, and a $25 Visa Gift Card to spend at Liberty Fair Mall.

Starting in 2010 the group will meet twice a month on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  All walks begin at 9 am and are open to everyone. Join us on January 5th as we walk the Fieldale Trail located at  3521 South River Road in Fieldale. Each walk that you participate in throughout the year will gain you one entry into the big end of the year drawing. Complete all the walks and you'll have 23 chances to win!

Tuesday Morning Strolls is a program developed by DRBA and this will be it's third year. The program is a partnership between DRBA, Henry County Parks & Recreation, Activate Martinsville-Henry County, and Martinsville Parks & Recreation. The program is funded with support from the Harvest Foundation. For a compete list of upcoming walks, contact DRBA at 276-634-2591 or

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